I have very effectively fallen down a BTS rabbit hole, so I've decided to do with it what I always do: make a fic rec list. I have no particular ship, so there's pretty much every combination of the members. I'll organize this list by pairing / combination. I hope this list helps you!
Bts Crack Fic Rec List
@justimajin - another favorite of mine - her fics actually try different genres/scenarios and are usually series. I find it fun to wait on episodes weekly. A consistent writer too. See masterlist here. Selected works:
@cupofteaguk - a writer whose fics end up in my fic rec lists regularly. When I get asked about certain tropes, I always remember one or two of her fics. Their Reputation Series is binge-worthy but they also have plenty of scenarios/tropes to choose from. You can find a lot of KTH or JJK fluff-based fics here (or other members too):
@springbean - I love her story concepts and ideas! When I discovered her, I just binged on their work and I enjoy every new fic she releases. My personal favorites are listed below, but you can also check her masterlist here:
Note: That last bit of gibberish with the square brackets turns into a button linking the fic to its reviews, which is where all opinions about the work go. The recommendations lists are just for recommendations and the synopses. Since the coding doesn't like punctuation, remember to strip that out before posting the link to the reviews section.
Knuckles, Knuckles 2 + Couples Workout @minyfic - drabble series [3/3], but can be continued 4.2k college au, fuckboy!jungkook but shy around OC, crack/humor, eventual established relationship (couples workout) f, implied s ?
Mix-tape @moon-write - one shot 2.1k established relationship, boyfriend au, hurt/comfort, idolverse, epistolary (use of letters and music), Jungkook created a mixtape for OC (you have to listen to the mixtape while reading for maximum effect) f (tooth-rotting fluff), slight a (because of the hurt/comfort angle) ?
maxalime liked this likedynamight liked this vodkawithjin said: @inbtswethrust My Namgi listing matontetragram liked this kkakuja liked this jimin-has-no-fucking-jams liked this someonesblog-blog1 liked this shayter-blog1 liked this vivijours liked this zincalu liked this demith501 liked this bananabeebenson liked this akemono liked this faith4jyj4forever liked this b-lioness liked this vodkawithjin posted this
#nonsexual daddy kink #sugar daddy tae #tattooed kook #aged-up #tae inheels #soft nicknames #praise kink #fluff and smut #bottom tae #subtop jungkook #fashionista tae #realistic description of arelationship #111k #ao3 2ff7e9595c